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We work to rebalance
through creativity,
against all odds.
From educators to scientists, policymakers to artists, we give people and organizations a space and platform to innovate and incubate their work, converging people across fields and identities who otherwise may not intersect. As things get more polarized, more reactive, more crisis-filled, fostering diverse creativity across sectors and identities might be the most radical and necessary thing we can do with an uncertain future.
From educators to scientists, policymakers to artists, we give people and organizations a space and platform to innovate and incubate their work, converging people across fields and identities who otherwise may not intersect.
Indigenous Environmental Network
New Economy Coalition Buckminister Fuller Institute
Fibershed Environmental Justice Foundation
Sunrise Movement Centre for Social Innovation
Juliana v. US EPA- Environmental Performance Agency
Honor the Earth Climate Action Network
Winona's Hemp & The Anishinaabe Agricultural Institute
UPROSE Zero Hour Riverkeeper Sane Energy Project
The Center for Artistic Activism DecadesOut
Extinction Rebellion Indigenous Youth Network
Climate Resiliency Toolkit Greta Thunberg
AECB Cradle to Cradle Biomimicry Institute
Center for Popular Democracy The Land Institute
NACL NRDC Center for Urban Pedagogy
People who
have given:
Jelly Bean Estimate
Yes, we have huge visions.
We also have grit, stamina and friends.
It's time we invest in people, ideas & systems with the courage to change.
We figure the best shot we have is to support creative work with as many representations of people & ideas as possible.
To bring people who are emerging, established and on the frontlines of an issue or idea together. People who are creating something beautiful, interesting, provocative or deeply personal. People who are in touch with non-human centered needs. People who disagree. People who are making the leap in their own work, in their own lives, for those around them.
A space to get creative and reimagine. A space to intersect, challenge and check each other.
To support the people, ideas and systems making holes in what is to see what could be.
It's time we invest in people, ideas & systems courageous enough to change.
The stakes have never been so high
We need a space to gather, challenge, expand and create. We need a space to get it together.
Art by Ricardo Levins Morales
TWO YEARS AGO we started our search for a property . . .
Since then we have searched high and low, traversed the Catskills, visited over 15 properties and realized we found what we were looking for right at the start. We wrote the owners a letter and they are excited to have Holes in the Wall Collective call this their home.
A space to support the people, ideas & systems that are here with the courage to change.
It's time we invest in people, ideas & systems that are courageous enough to change.
And for that, we need as much creativity as possible.
Why the C2R2A?
A space for Artists
A space for Educators
A space for Policy makers
A space for economists
A space for Poets
A space for engineers
A space for Film Makers
A space for Designers
A space for physicists
A space for Dancers
A space for scientists
There is already so much amazing work being done. But people need time, space and resources away from their context. And they need to be in creative convergence with people that don’t think like, look like or do what they do. The Center is a place where ideas can take root and where creativity has room to grow legs and be accountable to itself and others. To build & experiment with ideas and systems to support life better than it’s being supported now. Like regenerative agriculture, circular design, horizontal education, equitable algorithms...