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is part of the environment. 


We are not separate from the world we live in.

 The air we breathe, the water we drink, the ground beneath us. Which is why although Holes in the Wall Collective is not a traditional environmental organization, we are still an environmental organization.


Meaning we are interested in people and the places they are in, ideas and the ecosystems they thrive in. New innovations and old wisdom.


To best respond to climate change, we have to change the climate. Literally. Socially. Politically.

In all ways, simultaneously.


Holes in the Wall Collective Change the Climate Logo
MAMBEMBÉ • Community Saturday • Video credit : Isak Tiner 2019

It's about everything from what's for breakfast to what you are wearing to the politics outside your door. And we all have our part to play.

Climate Strike. NYC 2019
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