Creativity can't stop now.
Like everyone, we've been affected by the coronavirus in everything we do. But while much of our programming has been put on hold, the reason why we do what we do hasn’t changed.
The need for creativity connecting divergent ideas and disciplines is more important than ever.
So we're pivoting, enlarging our audience instead of shrinking it and finding moments of collective creativity despite it all.
Justice Now.
What’s happening across the United States and across the globe is the inevitable and painful failure of a system that does not honor life from one body to the next. The deep-seated racism that has built so much of this country will not be solved without deep reflection, acknowledgment, and action. We need significant structural change.
We support all those who are working for this change whether right now in the streets, the classroom, the boardroom, or on the canvas. We are committed to supporting the work to restore access to basic needs. These include justice, economy, communication, technology, and identity– the ability to be as you are.
This is what we mean by Change the Climate- literally, socially and politically. The climate that destroys the future for the next generations is the same climate that killed Xiaojie Tan, Delaina Ashley Yaun, Paul Andre Michels, Daoyou Feng, Julie Park, and Hyeon Jeong Park, Angelo Quinto, that killed George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Trayvon Martin, Emmet Till... that killed Rae'Lynn Thomas, Muhlaysia Booker, Dwayne Jones, Angie Zapata... that killed Anthonette Christine Cayedito...Berta Cáceres... Leighandre Jegels... and the countless more, so many unnamed and forgotten.
Standing up against violence cannot just be a momentary spotlight and outcry. The road to liberation is long and unless we are walking it consciously with every step, we’ll never get there.